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"Spiritual Reproduction"
January 28,2001
Doyle Barnett

When Jesus told his twelve men to "go and make disciples", not one of them stood there confused, wondering what He meant by that command. They each understood that Jesus meant for them to GO and REPRODUCE (exactly what He had just done with them), in someone else.

Spiritual reproduction is what discipleship is all about!
Discipleship is not...
Christian education--it is NOT about implanting imformation for knowledge's sake.
Fellowship--fellowship is to take place in the church; discipleship in the world.
Memorization--Intellectual exercise is not enough unless there is life change.

Discipleship is...
The Great Commission-- (Matthew 28:20)--It is a command, not a suggestion, to imitate what Jesus did with the twelve.

Multiplication through reproduction--(II Tim. 2:2) We must "multiply" as Christians, because addition won't keep up with the population growth.

Influencing people to be a disciplined follower of God's Will in their lives.--(I Thess. 2:7-8) Jesus lived with His men, and invested His life in them.

Disciple-making involves a developmental relationship, where a maturing Christian invests in a willing person so that he/she not only matures as well, but also becomes a multiplying Christian.

Question: What do you possess, spiritually, that you can pass on?

Question: Do you know of any people who could benefit from your spiritual maturity?

Question: Although you are not perfect, would you commit to multiplying, at least one and or up to twelve, spiritual disciplines or qualities in someone else?

The Original Blueprint...

Jesus modeled for us a lifestyle of spiritual reproduction. It was "one the job traning" in real life contexts. Note Jesus' IDEA of spiritual reproduction:

I--Instruction in a real life context.

D--Demonstration in a real life context.

E--Exposure in a real life context.

A--Accountability or assessment in a real life context.

This strategy worked right to the 4th century. Then we dropped the "ball" so to speak. Why?

1) Human Nature We tend to drift into comfort zones-- the path of least resistance.

2) Clergy vs. laity distinction

A wide gap grew between the "clergy" (church) and the laity, which means "idiot". Constantine made being a Christian the law! You cannot make a person a Christian by telling them that they have to be one. You must emplant it in them. Plant the seed (the Word of God) in them that will make them a new creation!

We must return to the original blueprint...

As we invest in people, we must be committed to 3 things:

A Person--love others enough to lay our lives down for them.

A Process--the new birth

A Purpose--to see God's kingdom come in others

The desire to have children is born of the love of God.

God is pleased when we function the way He intended us to function.

A person who never reproduces is considered abnormal.

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