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"Blessed Are the Meek"
July 23, 2000
Doyle Barnett

Matthew 5:3--"Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth."

Moses was the meekest man on earth.

What is meekness? Meekness is being teachable; not thinking you know it all, but being able to be taught something. If you have a meek horse, he is able to be turned wherever you want to go.

Moses confidence was in KNOWING that God was with him. He wasn't relying on his ability, but on God's.

How open are we to what the Lord tells us to do? We need to obey instantly when He tells us something to do.

Daily we need to allow the Holy Spirit to teach us--- in every situation, every circumstance, every test, trial, affliction---whatever happens in our lives. The Lord wants to teach us, and if we are meek we will want to understand His ways.

I Peter 3:4--the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit is of great price in the sight of God.

We are to adorn ourselves with this kind of spirit!

Is. 61:1--we are anointed to preach good tidings to the MEEK!

The person we are ministering to needs to be meek to receive from God, and we need to be meek to obey God and minister out the things He tells us.

When God speaks to us, being meek means believing what He says and that we can do what He says.

When we question God in unbelief we are robbed from. This keeps us from obeying the Lord.

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