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"Being on the Edge"
May 21, 2000
Harvey Randall

Num. 13:25--The spies return from spying out the land of Canaan

Behind every blessing there is a confrontation. "The kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it (the kingdom) by force." You enforce the Word of God in your life forcefully. You take the land the Lord has already given you!

God had promised the land of Canaan to Abraham many years before the Israelites went in to possess it. God told Abraham that the Israelites would serve the Egyptians and be in bondage to them, and that He would deliver them from this bondage to go possess Canaan. The first group could not go into Canaan because of their unbelief. They had to wander in the wilderness till they had all died off except Joshua and Caleb who DID believe!

Caleb was of the tribe of Judah. Judah was the tribe of praisers! (Num. 13:6)

Whatever God says, we need to believe that and keep our eyes on Him.

We need to identify fear and decide to TRUST God completely. We need to discern whether or not we are really trusting God.

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